Uni-Sideia's 4. "Wurf Keep Cool"..Sunny Moon of Ice Pond                       gew. 15.4. 2014


Sideia Island Sunny Moon of Ice Pond x Rossmix After Rain Comes Sunshine



Keep Cool Miss MASCHARA Sunny Moon of Ice Pond/ Hd B/C + Ed 0/0      Gestorben September 2023

Keep Cool Mister ROBIN Sunny Moon of Ice Pond/Hd A/A + Ed 0/0  Augen frei/ Gonionfrei/Ichthyose frei/ Zuchtzulassung 13.9.2016

Keep Cool Miss NINA Sunny Moon of Ice Pond

Keep Cool Mister BALU Sunny Moon of Ice Pond

Keep Cool Miss KIKI-PAULA Sunny Moon of Ice Pond/Hd A/A + Ed  0/0

Keep Cool Mister ODIN Sunny Moon of Ice Pond

Keep Cool Miss KILA-MIA Sunny Moon of Ice Pond

Keep Cool Miss MINA Sunny Moon of Ice Pond/Hd A/A + Ed 1/0                (gestorben im September 2021)