My Magic Miss Sunny Moon of Wooden Bench x Ashbury Oscar Wilde
Quickly to be Loved Balou
Sunny Moon of Ice Pond
Hd A/A Ed 0/1
Quickly to be Loved Chino
Sunny Moon of Ice Pond
(genannt Luchino)
Quickly to be Loved Dayo Sunny Moon of Ice Pond
Hd A/A Ed 0/0
Quickly to be Loved Yuko Sunny Moon of Ice Pond
Quickly to be Loved Joyce
Sunny Moon of Ice Pond
(genannt Joya)
Quickly to be Loved Kali
Sunny Moon of Ice Pond
Quickly to be Loved Sunny
Sunny Moon of Ice Pond
(Zucht-Hündin im Zuchtrecht) (:-)
Hd A/A Ed 0/0
Augen frei / Gonio frei 11.01.2022
Ichthyose Träger